Investor Connect


Welcome to the Metonic Investor Portal!


- When accessing your K1's, please click the Menu button on the top left corner and then click the "Portal Reports" link. From there, you can filter Document Type as K1 and hit submit.
• You can download the K1 by selecting the paper icon on the far right, under the "Download" column
• You can download multiple documents by check marking the boxes on the far left by "Entity Name" and then selecting the button "Download Selected". Once the download is finished, you will see an icon with an arrow pointing down on the left dark blue bar. Click that button and retrieve the files combined into one folder.

- When using SMS verification, be sure to click the button "Send Code". You should receive a code shortly after selecting that button.

- When bookmarking the portal onto your web browser, please use this page as the bookmark link.

- When setting up Multi-Factor Authentication, please use a cell phone number and select the SMS option.

- To view your investments, please click the Menu button on the top left corner and then click the "Active Investments (Custom)" link.

If you are having any issues logging in or finding a specific report, please contact Molly Laws (